Membership information:
Our current annual contributions:
Children up to 14 years 45 €
Young people up to 18 years old €70
Trainees, pupils, students. 70€
Adults €135
Couple €215
Family €245
Passive. 45€
In addition, active members over 18 will be charged a consumption voucher worth €25.
There is no admission fee.
Since we as a "small association" rely on the help of our members,
Every member aged 18 and over must complete an additional 10 hours of work per year (from 16 years onwards 5 hours).
(for the maintenance of the courses, the facility, the clubhouse and/or for clubhouse catering in the evenings or during games).
For hours not worked, €5/hour will be charged.
Membership can be canceled in writing to the board by the end of the year for the following year.